warung kopi, gaya hidup, pola perilaku, psikologi sosial, Warung Kopi, lifestyle, behavior, social psychologyAbstract
This study is motivated by the existence of entertainment needs that must also be met. One of the most important popular entertainment venues today is the Warung Kopi. Thus, this study aimed to find out what behavioral patterns occur in the Warung Kopi, starting from their purpose of their gathering, to what conversations/activities they carry out while they are in the Warung Kopi. This study is a case study conducted at one of the Warung Kopi that is visited by various groups in Yogyakarta. The approach used in this research is a phenomenological approach with a qualitative basis. The data collection techniques were observation and in-depth interviews. The results show that Warung Kopi is a contemporary lifestyle not only for young people, but for all groups. The activities they do are very diverse, for example gathering with peers, playing games, chatting and exchanging information/insights, and even turning a Warung Kopi into a place of work. Apart from that, researchers also found negative behavior, namely a group of young people influencing each other to drink alcohol. Thus, Warung Kopi as a popular means of entertainment today not only have positive impacts but also negative impacts, especially for young people. This study provides important information for stakeholders, including Warung Kopi practitioners, government and academics, to understand and respond to behavioral patterns in Warung Kopi. Therefore, researchers suggest to pracititioners or academics, the government, and Warung Kopi owners to carry out positive education in the Warung Kopi to provent the formation of negative behavior patterns in the Warung Kopi
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