
  • Salsabila Cahyaningrum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Taufiqur Rahman Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



strategy, branding strategy, disability, cupable café, strategi, strategi branding, disabilitas, cupable cafe


The research with the title Branding Strategy of Cupable Café as a Disabled Friendly Café in 2022 aims to find out the branding strategy used by Cupable Café in the process of introducing the Café's identity as a disabled friendly Café. Cupable Cafe is a cafe that employs people with disabilities to work as baristas and serve customers. Cupable Cafe uses social media as a communication activity to get a good response so that people recognise Cupable Cafe as a disabled-friendly cafe. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used semi-structured interviews and documentation. In-depth interviews were conducted with two informants, namely the Cupable Cafe Operations Staff and Cupable Cafe Barista. The results showed that Cafe Cupable's strategy in building an identity as a disabled-friendly cafe with a type of digital branding is to use social media as a branding strategy and hold a programme in the form of Pop Up and Kopi Keliling. Cupable Café also actively participates in various events in Yogyakarta as a form of introducing cafes that empower people with disabilities


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How to Cite

Cahyaningrum, S. ., & Rahman, T. . (2024). STRATEGI BRANDING CUPABLE CAFE SEBAGAI CAFE RAMAH DIFABEL . National Conference on Applied Business, Education, &Amp; Technology (NCABET), 3(1), 729–738.