
  • Dahrial Dahrial Universitas Riau
  • Iskandar Iskandar Universitas Riau
  • Suhardi Suhardi Universitas Islam Riau




Komunikasi, Pendidikan, Fungsi Komunikasi dan Pendidikan, Communication, Education, Functions of Communication and Education


Communication can occur with anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Since birth, humans have carried out communication activities. This is proven by the crying of every newborn baby. Crying is the only way for babies to communicate with the people around them, this refers to the words of Allah in surah Ar Rahman (1-4) Allah is the most merciful, who has taught the Qur'an, he created humans, taught them to speak. As humans grow, communication will continue to occur until a human finally dies. Communication is the process of conveying or receiving messages from one person to another, either directly or indirectly, orally, in writing, or by using signs. Communication in education is a very important element, in fact it plays a very big role in determining the success of an education. Many people say that the level of achievement of educational quality is influenced by communication factors


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How to Cite

Dahrial, D., Iskandar, I., & Suhardi, S. (2024). KONSEP KOMUNIKASI DALAM DUNIA PENDIDIKAN. National Conference on Applied Business, Education, &Amp; Technology (NCABET), 3(1), 507–516. https://doi.org/10.46306/ncabet.v3i1.145