
  • Asep Rahmatullah Universitas Bina Bangsa
  • Miftahul Huda Universitas Bina Bangsa
  • Rizkiyani Rizkiyani Universitas Bina Bangsa



shoe production, workload analysis, work force, produksi sepatu, analisis beban kerja, tenaga kerja


CV. Salando is a home industry engaged in the field of convection located in the Pandeglang regency. The company's production consists of several types of models, namely leather shoes and flat sandals. The issue at CV. Salando indicates a production delay in the sewing department due to a lack of manpower at the sewing station, where only one worker is present, resulting in delays in production activities at the finishing station. In this research, a workload analysis is conducted to determine the level of workload at CV. Salando using the Work Load Analysis Method. The purpose of this study is to understand the workload experienced by the workers and to determine the optimal number of workers. Six workers were observed in this study, including 3 workers at the pattern-making station, 1 worker at the sewing station, and 2 workers at the finishing station. The results of the study recommend adding 1 worker to each station, resulting in an average workload of 86.58% at the pattern-making station, 66.24% at the sewing station, and 75.02% at the finishing station.


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How to Cite

Rahmatullah, A. ., Huda, M. ., & Rizkiyani, R. (2024). ANALISIS BEBAN KERJA PADA BAGIAN PRODUKSI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE WORKLOAD ANALYSIS (WLA) DI CV. SALANDO. National Conference on Applied Business, Education, &Amp; Technology (NCABET), 3(1), 494–506.