Analysis, CPM, Barchart, Management, Analisis, CPM, Barchart, ManajemenAbstract
Factors that influence the delay in the construction of the UNIBA clinic building is a lack of communication between labor and supervisor, delay shiping material, quality of job control, the intensity of rainfall. This research is to determine the analysis of the management planning of the construction. To find out the urgency of the use of barchart in the process of managing the construction of the UNIBA clinic building. Conclution in this problem the author uses the CPM method, barchart. In this CPM analysis there are several jobs that belong to the criticalpath, namely the critical path of the work of the UNIBA clinic building structure there are 10 jobs, namely preparatory work (A-7 days). Bored pilee (B-21 days) work. Pile cap (C-21 days). Floor plate work (H-14 days). Ladderwork (-3 days). Beam wor (N-21 days). Floor plate work (S-0-14 daays). Sanitair work (W-35). Ceiling work (S-42). Paint work (X-42). Conclution of the use of barchart in the process of managing the construction of th UNIBA clinic building timeliness, data objectivity, submitting information on time, to provide standards that can be used to measure or compare progress with status, to identify and isolate the most important information
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