Ergonomic, Nordic Body Map, REBA, Partisipatory Ergonomic, Ergonomi, Nordic Body Map, REBA, Partisipatori ErgonomiAbstract
This study aims to provide suggestions for improvements to increase work productivity in the Dept. GA on shoes factory. Subjective complaint experienced by workers along with ergonomic measurements that have haven’t carried out according to regulations. The proposed work design according to ergonomic principles is expected to reduce workers' complaints of subjectivity. Ergonomics is an effort to harmonize tools, work methods and work environment for humans with all their limitations so as to obtain optimal results. The study was conducted on the entire employee population by measuring the level of subjectivity complaints using the Nordic Body Map. REBA measurements are carried out to find out the work posture that needs to be improved. The design of the proposed work system is carried out using the Participatory Ergonomic method. The results of this study the authors propose an adjustable platform of a hydraulic scissor lift, a swing model and placement of employees with a maximum age of 35 years old. These three suggestions can reduce subjective complaints by eliminating awkward movements and preventing muscle mass decreasing for workers aged over 35 years
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