
  • Amalia Dhiaz Fadhira Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Joko Suyono Universitas Sebelas Maret



support, coworker, coworker support, analysis, bibliometric


This research discusses the topic of coworker support, which define as a support that a person receives both emotionally and instrumentally, where this support comes from coworkers at work. Bibliometric analysis is the method used in this research to see trends in the development phenomena related to the topic of coworker support, where the R-pacakge bibliometric and VOSViewer are used for data processing. A total of 164 articles from Scopus database were used in this research with “coworker support” keyword, and several restrictions for instance articles in English, publication in the form of journal articles, and a range of publication years over the last ten years from 2013 to 2023. The aims of this research is to get comprehensive up-to-date analysis of article publication performance, article structure, and other information on the topic of coworker support through meta data. The development of coworker support topic is analyzed descriptively for instance annual growth rate, most relevant journal, most influential authors, countries with the most authors, and other analyzes. The result of this bibliometric analysis that has been carried out in the last ten-year, coworker support has become a growing topic with annual growth rate 20.4%. Journal of Organizational Behavior is the most relevant journal, Gordon S is the most influential writer, and the United States is the corresponding author’s country


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How to Cite

Fadhira, A. D. ., & Suyono, J. . (2024). SEBUAH ANALISIS BIBLIOMETRIK PADA DUKUNGAN REKAN KERJA SELAMA 2013 – 2023. National Conference on Applied Business, Education, &Amp; Technology (NCABET), 3(1), 188–199.