Kerjasama Tim, Kinerja Tenaga Kesehatan, Rumah Sakit Pemerintah , Teamwork, Performance of Health Workers, Government HospitalAbstract
The level of public health cannot be separated from the quality of health services so that high hospital accreditation status is needed considering that hospital accreditation reflects the high and low quality of services that hospital administrators can provide to their patients. This requires optimal human resource management to improve the performance of hospital health workers. One of the dominant factors in the performance of health workers is positive organizational behavior, namely through teamwork. Teamwork describes actions that are planned and managed optimally by each member of the organization to maximize performance. For this reason, this research was carried out to test the influence of the dimensions of the teamwork variable on the performance of hospital health workers. A total of 10 dimensions and 30 indicators were used with a survey method carried out by distributing Google forms. The population in this study was four government hospitals in Banten province using a proportional random sampling method of 150 respondents. The research results show that the 30 indicators used to measure dimensions and latent variables have good validity and reliability. The results of the inner model analysis show very high goodness of fit index values for each dimension which describes high suitability or no discrepancy between the observed values and the expected values in the research model. The results of hypothesis testing showed that the sixteen hypotheses constructed had T-statistic values > 1.96 and P-values < 0.05 so all hypotheses were accepted. The results of this research also found a novelty where the teamwork variable was more dominantly influenced by the comporting dimension, while the health worker performance variable was more dominantly influenced by the assurance dimension. Considering the very high results of the influence of each dimension and the influence of exogenous to endogenous, this is an input for hospital management to be able to improve interpersonal relationships through improving good teamwork in work teams to create conducive conditions and increase employee performance
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